Friday 23 March 2012

'BAMA March 23, 2012


It's our last day here at Bella Terra and Mother Nature is giving us a big send off.  The rain came, the wind came, lightning strikes in the not-so-far distance and a rumble of thunder that even Missy heard.  Trapps said the strike was in front of our coach and the thunder boomed overhead.  Cable went out but electricity stayed on.  We had 3" of water standing on the concrete pad near our RV steps and the lagoon in front of the coach looks fuller.  The 2 palm trees that LeRoy bought have grown and everything here is a shade of brighter green.

Six of us went to Lambert's for lunch today.  It is a family-run operation and the only home of throwed rolls.  Once you are seated all you have to do is hold your hand up and the breadman will throw a HUGE hot, fresh out-of-the oven cloverleaf roll to you.  Don't miss or it could land on the floor or hit someone in the head.  A server walks around asking if you want apple butter or molasses on your softball-size bun.  Your drinks are served in gigantic containers and you can drink all you want altho your bladder could not hold much more.  You order off a simple menu but it provides huge servings.  One should order a light meal as your dinner comes with 2 sides and servers continuously walk around with extras that everyone can have their fill of.  Extras include okra, pan-fried potatoes, cooked cabbage, black eyed peas.  Your waitress will pull at least one trick on your table.  As we were eating our waitress offered Julee some water in what looked like a filled
pitcher, she tapped the bottom on the table and acted like it was going to spill on Julee.  Julee flinched only to realize nothing came out of the pitcher and we were all amused. As we were leaving there were 6 boys sitting on a bench and all of them had their hands in the air waiting for a throwed roll. It was a party waiting to happen.  By the time we left, there was a line of people waiting all the way to the front door.

Bob and Julee and their dog Phoebe walked over later with their Tervis glasses.  I almost missed cocktail hour!

This has been a wonderful trip.  Bella Terra is a beautiful RV resort.

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