Tuesday 20 March 2012

'BAMA March 18, 2012


This morning we were on the search for a breakfast place.  It was already 10:20 by the time we arrived at "Ryan's" which turned out to be a buffet, similar to Golden Corral. The gal at the register hurried us in so we could take advantage of the $5.49 breakfast.  And she gave us the senior price for a drink.  Still have mixed feelings about being a "senior."

We came back to the campground to pick up Hebbes and then proceeded to Alligator Alley in Summerdale.  Lots of alligators swimming in the swamp and luckily they were behind a chain link fence.  We arrived just in time for the 1:00 feeding.  We watched a guy tap gators on the head with a broom stick and entice them to come ashore to chomp on a leg or a chunk of boar ribs.  Some of the gators hiss when they open their mouths.  The biggest gator there is over 1,200 # and is over 13' long.

The park has over 200 alligators ranging in age from 6 months to who knows how old.  Apparently they can't tell how old a gator is until it dies. Their bones age like the rings on a tree.  After the feeding we took a walk back in the swamp along a boardwalk to see more gators lounging along the way.  LeRoy even held the 2 1/2 year old baby.  Note that jaw full of teeth is taped.  After LeRoy held it, some boys took turns only to be peed on by the lil gator.  The handler said it was mostly water, altho it contains both urine and feces.  Nice.....

Further into the conservation area there was a boardwalk where you could view alligators in the swamp.  After the boardwalk, I gathered enough nerve to hold the gator.

Cocktails at 3:30 and then at 4:00 we met up with 60 other guests for St Patrick's Day Reuben sandwiches and Green Beer in the Clubhouse for $5 a person.

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