Tuesday 20 March 2012

'BAMA March 19, 2012


Started the day with a swim.  While the pool water was heated the first day we went in, it no longer is.  So it takes a little while to get used to the chilled water.

Today is arts & crafts day.  We were told to bring a glass or vase to paint when we went to the Clubhouse at 3:00.  Enamel and acrylic paints and brushes were available for us to create a design on our glassware.  My little wine glass has 3 little palm trees on it.  We have to let them dry for 24 hours and then bake them at 350 for a half hour without pre-heating the oven.  We will use the conventional oven in the Clubhouse as we gals don't know how to use our convection oven in our RVs.

At 5:30 the Hebbes hosted a pizza party at the Clubhouse for the 10 of us in the Wis Allegro Wanderers.  Afterwards, we stayed to watch the 1st show of the 14th season of Dancing With The Star on the big screen in the theater at the Clubhouse.  Who is that good looking Cuban actor?

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