Friday 23 March 2012

'BAMA March 23, 2012


It's our last day here at Bella Terra and Mother Nature is giving us a big send off.  The rain came, the wind came, lightning strikes in the not-so-far distance and a rumble of thunder that even Missy heard.  Trapps said the strike was in front of our coach and the thunder boomed overhead.  Cable went out but electricity stayed on.  We had 3" of water standing on the concrete pad near our RV steps and the lagoon in front of the coach looks fuller.  The 2 palm trees that LeRoy bought have grown and everything here is a shade of brighter green.

Six of us went to Lambert's for lunch today.  It is a family-run operation and the only home of throwed rolls.  Once you are seated all you have to do is hold your hand up and the breadman will throw a HUGE hot, fresh out-of-the oven cloverleaf roll to you.  Don't miss or it could land on the floor or hit someone in the head.  A server walks around asking if you want apple butter or molasses on your softball-size bun.  Your drinks are served in gigantic containers and you can drink all you want altho your bladder could not hold much more.  You order off a simple menu but it provides huge servings.  One should order a light meal as your dinner comes with 2 sides and servers continuously walk around with extras that everyone can have their fill of.  Extras include okra, pan-fried potatoes, cooked cabbage, black eyed peas.  Your waitress will pull at least one trick on your table.  As we were eating our waitress offered Julee some water in what looked like a filled
pitcher, she tapped the bottom on the table and acted like it was going to spill on Julee.  Julee flinched only to realize nothing came out of the pitcher and we were all amused. As we were leaving there were 6 boys sitting on a bench and all of them had their hands in the air waiting for a throwed roll. It was a party waiting to happen.  By the time we left, there was a line of people waiting all the way to the front door.

Bob and Julee and their dog Phoebe walked over later with their Tervis glasses.  I almost missed cocktail hour!

This has been a wonderful trip.  Bella Terra is a beautiful RV resort.

Thursday 22 March 2012

'BAMA March 22, 2012


It was overcast and breezy this morning.  I went around the property to take a few pictures of Bella Terra to refresh our memory if we come here again.  Two of the couples we know have already booked a site here at the resort for next year.

Another day at computer lab.  Kim Bertram is another guest here at Bella Terra who volunteers and attempts to answer our questions about what we encounter in our experiences on our computers. it was more of a talking session about security, facebook, searches, etc.

A massage therapist came here today so I took advantage of a one-hour Swedish massage. Yikes! $90 for an hour - that is double what I pay at home.  The therapist has lived here for 20+ years.  She said don't believe those BP commercials that everything here is back to normal.  People are being paid to say those things.  it's been 2 years and the state just got a settlement from BP.  However, the local fishermen and business owners have not seen any money yet.   Afterwards, LeRoy and I went shopping to find him some shirts.  We went to 2 malls before we could find any menswear stores.  

Ross and mary are leaving tomorrow for FL so we all dined together at the Cobalt restaurant.  The shrimp here are so wonderful.  It's a given they will be on my plate when we dine out.

Our motorhome is in the middle of the picture

The bad weather warnings that are just west of here, about 2 counties over, have been cancelled. Some places in MS had over 4" of rain.  The ground here is so saturated that when you walk on it you feel like you are stepping on a wet sponge.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

'BAMA March 21, 2012


Welcome to Patti Land!  Several of us went to Joe Patti Seafood in Pensacola, FL. It is quality seafood at wholesale prices.  We walked in to find fresh fish from one end of the building to the other.  There was a long counter that displayed every kind of fish and shellfish  from crabs and lobsters, scallops, clams and oysters, tuna, monk, amberjack, snapper, grouper, shark, talapia, orange roughy, croaker, flounder, triggerfish,and on and on. There was also a prepared foods section, deli, gourmet shop, a wine shop, sushi bar and gift shop.  We purchased several pounds of different fish and medium shrimp that look for jumbo shrimp in Wisconsin.  I finally got to try a small dish of gelato.

From there we went to the Pensacola Naval Air Museum.  There were air planes from all eras including the 1st German jet that flew in WWII.  LeRoy said it flew past the American planes without a problem but it was introduced too late in the war.  The collection included a Canadian Otter plane, a MIG 15 from the Viet Nam era, President Nixon's helicopter, the fighter plane that President George H Bush flew, an Electra like Amelia Erhart flew, and a replica "fat boy", the name for the atomic bomb used in Japan.  There were hundreds of airplanes to see.  There were even 2-D and 3-D flight simulators for those who were brave enough to try.  We watched one simulator that was commandeered by two boys.  They were going crazy with the joy stick and screaming like school girls.

The coast line from Pensacola to Gulf Shores is covered with white sand, so fine they call it sugar sand.  The beach houses are painted in many pastel colors and some are situated atop 10' high pylons in case of high water.

We wrapped up the afternoon with a lunch at the Hang Out restaurant on the beach where we had cocktails last week.  Today's weather was overcast and the waves were crashing on the beach today unlike last week when the sun was shining, the beach was full and the gulf waters were much calmer.

From waffles this morning to Stone Cold ice cream this evening, it was a very calorie-laden day.  There is 70% chance of rain tomorrow so it may be another good shopping day.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

'BAMA March 20, 2012


We awoke to another breezy day here at Bella Terra.  We went to a computer lab at the Clubhouse from 11-1 today.  It's a good thing Bob and Julee and LeRoy and I attended as we were the class.  It was an opportunity to ask questions we had with our own personal experiences on the computer.

We headed to the Tanger Outlet mall about 2 miles from our resort.  The girls hopped in one car for shopping and the guys in another vehicle as they were going to Car Partz.  The guys called us after they stopped at 4 car stores, returned to the resort and then came to the mall.  The girls were only in their second store.  Fortunately, the guys were patient and gave us some more shopping time.

It was back to the RVs to let all the dogs out and then to Wolf Bay, a local supper club, for dinner.  A walk with Missy and we called it an evening.

A bit later We received a call from Jade tonight that our grandson, Brady, made the majors.  He is so excited that he will be playing full blown Little League instead of in the minor league.  His new coach is already calling him "Little Babe Ruth."  Brady will be playing with the Colorado Rockies.  Great Job, Brady!

'BAMA March 19, 2012


Started the day with a swim.  While the pool water was heated the first day we went in, it no longer is.  So it takes a little while to get used to the chilled water.

Today is arts & crafts day.  We were told to bring a glass or vase to paint when we went to the Clubhouse at 3:00.  Enamel and acrylic paints and brushes were available for us to create a design on our glassware.  My little wine glass has 3 little palm trees on it.  We have to let them dry for 24 hours and then bake them at 350 for a half hour without pre-heating the oven.  We will use the conventional oven in the Clubhouse as we gals don't know how to use our convection oven in our RVs.

At 5:30 the Hebbes hosted a pizza party at the Clubhouse for the 10 of us in the Wis Allegro Wanderers.  Afterwards, we stayed to watch the 1st show of the 14th season of Dancing With The Star on the big screen in the theater at the Clubhouse.  Who is that good looking Cuban actor?

'BAMA March 18, 2012


This morning we were on the search for a breakfast place.  It was already 10:20 by the time we arrived at "Ryan's" which turned out to be a buffet, similar to Golden Corral. The gal at the register hurried us in so we could take advantage of the $5.49 breakfast.  And she gave us the senior price for a drink.  Still have mixed feelings about being a "senior."

We came back to the campground to pick up Hebbes and then proceeded to Alligator Alley in Summerdale.  Lots of alligators swimming in the swamp and luckily they were behind a chain link fence.  We arrived just in time for the 1:00 feeding.  We watched a guy tap gators on the head with a broom stick and entice them to come ashore to chomp on a leg or a chunk of boar ribs.  Some of the gators hiss when they open their mouths.  The biggest gator there is over 1,200 # and is over 13' long.

The park has over 200 alligators ranging in age from 6 months to who knows how old.  Apparently they can't tell how old a gator is until it dies. Their bones age like the rings on a tree.  After the feeding we took a walk back in the swamp along a boardwalk to see more gators lounging along the way.  LeRoy even held the 2 1/2 year old baby.  Note that jaw full of teeth is taped.  After LeRoy held it, some boys took turns only to be peed on by the lil gator.  The handler said it was mostly water, altho it contains both urine and feces.  Nice.....

Further into the conservation area there was a boardwalk where you could view alligators in the swamp.  After the boardwalk, I gathered enough nerve to hold the gator.

Cocktails at 3:30 and then at 4:00 we met up with 60 other guests for St Patrick's Day Reuben sandwiches and Green Beer in the Clubhouse for $5 a person.

Sunday 18 March 2012

'BAMA March 17, 2012


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  The annual BBQ and Blues Cook-off was held at Heritage Park in downtown Foley.  It is a gated, ticketed event where companies and individuals compete in a BQ cook-off.  We enjoyed live music, a silent auction and BBQ tasting for $10 a head.  The tasty smoked chicken, pork or ribs are handed out in little sample dishes along with forks and spoons.  This must be a local chamber event where the winner is determined by how many dollars each stand has in its collection jar.  We bought a jar of BBQ sauce from the Mustang BBQ Bar & Grill and the money went in the collection jar there.  The money, of course,is donated to charity.  The hot sun along with the bbq and beer made one sleepy.  

The Trapps arrived about 8:30 tonight.  Just in time to join the rest of our Wis Allegro group for strawberry yogurt pie and coffee before we all called it a day.

Friday 16 March 2012

'BAMA March 16, 2012


LeRoy and I watched a movie this morning then we headed to the pool. We were just hanging out with RV friends when Ross came over about noon.  He offered to take us to the Gulf island Grill for lunch.  So we piled in the car and headed back to Gulf Shores.  The hamburgers were huge and the blackened grouper was delicious.

More shopping on the way back at a bait shop, of all places, that had clothes, hats, and bargains on lotsa stuff. We were almost late for our 4:00 wine and cheese event at the clubhouse.  It was sponsored by several of the owners and the wine and snacks were still coming when we left at 6:00.

No dinner tonight as we had that late lunch.  We just hung out at our site with Missy and watched a movie outside until it got dark.  Finished up the evening by walking the dog and doing some laundry.

Tomorrow we plan to check out the 4th Annual BBQ and Blues cook-off.

'BAMA March 15, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Another beautiful day in paradise.  We went to the pool this morning and had it pretty much to ourselves.  The depth of the pool goes from 0" to 5'1" with an infinity ledge.  It is a heated pool and we were able to walk right in without feeling cold.  The pool has several waterfalls.  LeRoy and Bob also sat in the hot tub for a while.  Little did we realize that the sun was getting hotter and hotter.  We all ended up looking like pink lobsters later in the day.

Spring Break for college kids is this week in Gulf Shores.  There were signs on the beach that said no alcohol but we did not see anyone enforcing it.  There were lots of people on the beach as it was the first hot, sunny day in several days.  After the boys got an eyeful at the beach we decided to stop for a drink at The Hangout", a tiki bar on the beach. Someone asked me where I went on spring break and I don't recall anyone ever going to FL or Mexico for spring break.  I don't think many people had money in the 60s to spend on a vacation in FL.  

While shopping in Gulf Shores we learned that beer and wine is only sold in grocery stores or at gas stations.  We stopped at "The Oyster Bar' for dinner and we all had our fill of shrimp and seafood.  And we all had enough to take away when we left.  We walked around the boardwalk at this restaurant to look in the lagoon behind it as we were told there were 5 alligators in it.  That must be why the restaurant is up on stilts.  No, didn't see any 'gators.

By the time we got home it was 9:00 and Missy was glad to see us.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

'BAMA March 14, 2012


Another beautiful day in paradise. Slept in today, watched a movie and lounged until 11 while LeRoy and 2 others went fishing in the pond.  They were catching a fish called brim but they were only 3 - 4 inches long. Sunny skies today with 82 degrees.

We went looking for a fresh fruit and vegetable stand but there was none to be found within 20 miles and we didn't want to miss the movie, Hugo.  I believe the reason it won so many awards was because it was all about the movie industry. It was a 2 hour movie and it was ok.

Mary and Ross invited us and our other Tiffin friends to a low country boil this evening.  It was a staged boil in one pot with baby red potatoes, Hillshire farm polish sausage, corn on the cob and shrimp.  I believe the only seasoning Ross used was Old Bay seasoning. We were told that due to how the earth is on its axis that a broom will stand straight up -- at least from last Sunday until this Thursday.  LeRoy brought along a broom to show us that, indeed, it could stand up.  It doesn't take much to entertain old fools.

No big plans for tomorrow.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

'BAMA March 13, 2012


It was overcast and very humid this morning.  Already 67 degrees and expecting a high around 78.  LeRoy put the wheels and pedals back on our bikes so we could take a ride around the complex.  Lots of people out walking and most had dogs with them.

At 11 am we met at the Clubhouse to caravan to Flipppers Restaurant at Bear Point Marina in Orange Beach forlunch. Flippers offers a limited dolphin and dine menu but the blackened grilled shrimp, rice pilaf and fresh veggies I ordered were delicious.

Following lunch we went on the Bay with Dolphin Cruises.  The captain took our navy-like transport 30 minutes out into the bay and we had not seen any dolphins.  However, as he turned the boat around, there they were -- those rubber-coated silver mammals gliding under the boat's wake.  Then as the boat picked up speed about a dozen dolphins of all sizes playfully leaped out of the water, one by one, then several at a time, enjoying the surf.  The gleeful fish were just like that pig on the commercial...I could almost hear them all screaming Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Back to the bus to let Missy out.  She had been lounging in the air conditioned coach and was in no hurry to go outside.  Poor old gal, she is leery about going up and down the steps these days.

Dinner found us celebrating the Mansfield's 47th wedding anniversary. A local Mexican restaurant, El Paso, served up great Mexican food and jumbo Margaritas in Foley.

Plans for tomorrow include a viewing of the movie "HUGO" in the clubhouse theater.  The movie won several oscars so we are looking forward to this somewhat private showing with free popcorn and soda.

Monday 12 March 2012

'BAMA March 12, 2012


We are psyched to get to Bella Terra to start our vacation. The temperature this morning was 61 degrees.  It was misting when we took off and we learned there was a storm south of us in Birmingham, AL.  However, we only had occasional light showers.  I finally saw the first palm tree in Robertsdale just miles before Foley.  The high for today was 75ish but it dropped in the upper 60s with the rain. 
We arrived at Bella Terra about 4:15 this afternoon.  We were welcomed by our friend Dick Hebbe.

It is a gated community with individually owned lots.  Leveling jacks must be blocked to prevent rust spots on the concrete pads.  There is curb side trash pick up daily.  Pets must be on a leash but there is a dog park.  The swimming pool/jacuzzi is open from 9 am to 10 pm.  The resort also hosts weekly events.  We signed up for the Dophin and Dine lunch and cruise tomorrow. 

The clubhouse is open to guests so we joined Dick and Judy Hebbe, Julee and Bob Mansfield, Ross and Mary Swenson there for cocktails and hors de hourves.  After seeing our mutual friends we all retreated to our respective motorhomes for the evening.     

'BAMA March 10, 2012


This vacation finds us heading south in our motorhome to Bella Terra Resort in Foley, AL, just 5 miles north of Gulf Shores, AL.  The facility is rated 10-10-10 in the Trailer Life Directory and comes highly recommended by RV friends.  Nothing but class A motorhomes, like ours, at least 32' long and nothing over 15 years old (although most motorhomes all look new to me).
It was just 31 degrees when we left home.

We met up with Bob & Julee Mansfield of Neenah just south of Janesville aoout 9:30 this morning.  We stopped for lunch in LeRoy, IL.  How strange it was that just a few miles down the road we passed Mansfield, IL.  Julee and I are waiting for our named cities to appear on the billboards.

The price of diesel in IL was $4.17 with a .06 discount for cash.  At one fuel stop the price for gasoline and diesel cash price) was the same at $3.89 per gallon.

We travelled 550 miles today and camped at the Woods & Waters campgroud near Columbus, IN, about 40 miles south of Indianapolis.  We made it to the campground at twilight with just enough light to hook up the RVs to water and electric and take our dogs for a little walk.  Luckily I phoned ahead for reservations as the campground closed at 5:00, eastern time.  And with daylight savings time, we didn't arrive until 6:45 p.m.

 We visited with Bob and Julee after we dined in our coaches.  LeRoy volunteered me to help Bob with his new Garmin gps that looked quite techy. I should have known it was way beyond my capability when I first saw it.  I successfully locked up his gps by just touching the screen.
 We decided to sleep in Sunday as today was a long day.

'BAMA March 11, 2012


Welcome to Daylight Savings Time.  We awoke and thought it was 8:00 only to find out it was already 9:00.  We were thinking IN did not participate in DST, but it does.  So we lost 2 hours overnight.  The campground fee was $31.78 for the night.  Oops, Bob's gps is still not working.  I volunteered to read the gps manual while we travel today but I don't think he wantedme to touch it again. 

Temperature this morning was 47 degrees and we noted a high of 72.  Diesel fuel is $4.15 per gallon with .06 discount for cash. 
We drove on I-65 through IN and into KY.  We saw an area that was damaged by recent tornadoes in the southern part of IN. Louisville has an interesting skyline with a mix of new and old architecture.  We could see Churchill Downs where the Kentucky Derby is run the first weekend in May.  I recently put that destination on my bucket list and we may just do that with Adventure Caravans as it is extremely hard to get tickets on your own. Louisville is where they make the bats that are used in major league baseball.  We also saw the KFC baseball stadium where LeRoy said the minor league team, the Louisville Cardinals, play ball.

Today we travel from IN to northern AL.  We don't plan to drive as many hours as we did yesterday.  Bob said he got his gps working as I merely turned it off last night.  Whew!

We spent the night in Cullman, Al, just north of Birmingham, at a Good Sam park.  We had another drive through site so we didn't have to disconnect the car.  The owner offered us his car to go into town to eat but we opted for a bottle of wine, hors de horves and a big salad.  We planned our route and stops for Monday and called it a night. LeRoy was fit to be tied when he discovered we couldn't get more than 5 channels on TV.  And they were religious channels no less.  Hey, we're in the bible belt.