Saturday 2 July 2011

It was omelet in a bag this morning. Must be some camping recipe where you break 2 eggs into a quart size zip loc bag, add no more than 1 tsp of each veggie, or meat or cheese, mush everything together until the additions are on the bottom of the bag.  Squeeze all the air out of the bag, seal and drop into boiling water for 12 minutes.  It was actually good.

As a special treat, we had a guest speaker, Dorothy Frost.  Dorothy is 50 yrs old and told about her village in Old Crow and her heritage.  First she acknowledged her mother whose maiden name is Kekovitch which means "carry the arrow."  Her mother died last year at age 92 but she cut her own wood, carried logs, and walked to town three or four times a day.  She died after she broke her hip and her health failed soon afterwards.   Dorothy explained she lived in a fly-in community that is a matriarchal society.  The only access to Old Crow is by airor by canoe. The children, boys and girls, are taught to hunt, trap, skin, sew and cook.  They eat mostly meat, lean caribou and salmon.  Women are taught to snare while men go for bigger game.  Children are taught not to "want" but to accept what they have.  She also claimed that her Buntik tribe of the Poochin Nation may be related to the Navajo as they, too, tell stories of the land mass that connected the continents, stories of giant beavers and tales of the woolly mammoth.

We caught a glimpse of the Adaka cultural festival in Whitehorse.  we saw Tlingit dancers in their traditional native garb dancing and singing of their heritage and culture. 

We did a little shopping and then hit the Yukon Arts Center and Yukon Archives to get our passports stamped.

LeRoy took a break to watch the Daytona 500 while I took a nap.  In the evening we attended the "Frantic Follies" stage show, a Vaudeville revue of Gold Rush variety entertainment.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 4th of July!!!
    Omelet in a bag is an interesting camping and RV thing.
    Have a great celebration today!
