Friday 22 July 2011


July 21, 2011


LeRoy and I got up early to SKYPE birthday greetings to our bouncing baby girl, Jade, and talk with our favorite grandson, Brady. 

We went off in search of a hardware store and ran across a store that turned out to be a mall - the one store was the hardware store, the Hallmark store, the Ben Franklin, a clothing store, a shoe store,and a souvenir shop.  After checking out the downtown business district we had lunch at Crabbies expecting to have more seafood.  Their lunch menu was buffalo burgers, a crab sandwich, and salads and soups.  We think we know why it is called Crabbies -- the hostess/waitress was a real crab - acted like she was still asleep and we were bothering her by coming in to eat at the restaurant.    

Anchor Point is North America's most westerly highway point accessible by a continuous road.  A sign designating this point is located at the end of Beach Road. I was surprised to see there was also a Blue Star Memorial at the same location.  There is one also located in Rothschild. 

We drove down the Anchor Point Beach Drive as we heard that large tractors take the boat trailers into the ocean to retrieve fishing boats.  A local fisherman said it costs $60 for the launch and day parking.  He said he caught 2 fish.   LeRoy and Dick fished for 45 minutes without a bite.  Seems like all the salmon, including a 36" red salmon, were only interested in swimming up river and not interested in eating.

A delay in traffic provided an opportunity to converse with a highway flagger on our return trip.  He works for a road construction company that bid to install delineators along the highway.  We were surprised to learn he was a Badger fan. 

The Skyline Drive vista of the Homer Spit.  The spit is a long, narrow finger of land that juts out almost 5 miles into  the water.  It's breezy, open and surrounded by Kachemak Bay.  On it is a fishing lagoon where you can fish in saltwater that comes in with the tide.  The spit also has a boat launch and RV parks.

That evening the Wagon Masters and Tail Gunners provided a fish BBQ at the campground allowing everyone to taste halibut cheeks, rock fish, cod and halibut.  We also had birthday cake for two of the gals on the caravan.

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