Monday 27 June 2011

 Inuk suk means safe journey and represents rocks that  were placed along travel routes.Here is one that I left in British Columbia.

Today we travelled from Dawson Creek to Fort Nelson.  We are still in British Columbia and on Pacific time. 

It was another 300 mile day doing an average of 50 mph up and down winding hills with steep grades from 6% to 10% and shoulders in danger of being washed out with more rain. Today on the Alaska Highway you could see what appeared to be black spots on the road.  Nope, it turned out that they are chuck holes and the  water filling them from recent rains actually lets you identify them before you drove into them.

During WWII the Alaska Highway, known as the "Alcan Project" by the U.S. Army, was in response to a perceived threat by Japan.  The portion from Dawson Creek, B. C. to Delta Junction in Alaska, 1,522 miles, only took 8 months and 12 days.

Once we arrived at Fort Nelson, B.C. we toured the Fort Nelson Heritage Museum that had exhibits of photographs and a short film on the construction of the Alaska Highway, a trapper's log cabin, an albino and other stuffed animals.

Snacks and a briefing at 5:00 and we were sent on our way.  Tomorrow we drive to Liard Hot Springs, about 190 miles. There is a promise of cinnamon buns and fresh baked goods at a lodge on the Tetsa River.  LeRoy also made reservations for halibut fishing in Homer on July 19.

1 comment:

  1. WooHoo! Alaska! SOunds like you are having some good times. How is your weather so far?
    Finally stopped raining here for awile.
    Keep on havin fun!
