Thursday 30 June 2011

June 28, 2011

It was 60 and rainy at 10 a.m.  We stopped at a really, really small log cabin diner along the Tetsa River that serves fresh cinnamon rolls that were as big as my head.  The narrow, winding roads of the Alaska Highway provided steep grades
and sharp curves but we saw elk, bear, Stone sheep and bison along the highway.  We stopped at the Toad River Lodge to see their world famous hat collection.  They claim to have over 7,800 baseball caps hanging in the rafters.
Muncho Lake is another beautiful turquoise colored lake.  It is said the color is attributed to copper oxide leaching into the lake.

We arrived at Liard Hot Springs Provincial Park where there are two springs pools with water temperatures from 108 to 126 degrees.  The water in the hotter areas smelled like perm solution from the calcium sulphate.  We have beautiful sites in this campground with a boardwalk that crosses an interesting wetlands to the hot springs.  The lush vegetation and warm waters in the surrounding marsh provide habitat for moose and birds. This is a world renowned spot and I heard soaking in the hot springs could shave 10 years off how a person looks so I stayed in an extra long time.  I think I may have found some British Columbia jade stones in the hot springs.


It was 60 and rainy at 10 a.m.  We stopped at a really, really small log cabin diner along the Tetsa River that serves
fresh cinnamon rolls that were as big as my head.  The narrow, winding roads of the Alaska Highway provided steep grades
and sharp curves but we saw elk, bear, Stone sheep and bison along the highway.  We stopped at the Toad River Lodge to see
their world famous hat collection.  They claim to have over 7,800 baseball caps hanging in the rafters.  Muncho Lake is
another beautiful turquoise colored lake.  It is said the color is attributed to copper oxide leaching into the lake.
We arrived at Liard Hot Springs Provincial Park where there are two springs pools with water temperatures from 108 to
126 degrees.  The water in the hotter areas smelled like perm solution from the calcium sulphate. 
We have beautiful sites in this campground with a boardwalk that crosses an interesting wetlands to the hot
springs.  The lush vegetation and warm waters in the surrounding marsh provide habitat for moose and birds.
This is a world renowned spot and I heard soaking in the hot springs could shave 10 years off how a person looks so I
stayed in an extra long time.  I think I may have found some British Columbia jade stones in the hot springs.

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