Monday 3 December 2018


Sugarcane Field
Jesuit priests first brought sugarcane to Louisiana in 1751 from New Guinea.  to Louisiana in 1751.  Sugarcane cultivation is successful on the alluvial spills in South-Central Louisiana, known as the "Sugar Bowl."  Louisiana's temperate climate allows this tropical crop to flourish.  It takes one full year to mature. The plant is six to 20 feet tall.
Burning Sugarcane Fields
Farmers burn sugarcane to reduce the any leafy material, including stalk tops, delivered with the cane to the factories for processing.

Harvesting Sugarcane
The sugarcane is harvested in early October around Acadamia. When cane is one year old, a chopper/harvester machine pulled by a combine tractor cuts the 8-foot tall cane and it spits it out into a side wagon as 6-8” pieces. When it’s filled, the wagon is brought to the sugar mill, within 12-24 hours, before it starts souring.

Trucks Haul Sugarcane to Mills
Once at the mill, the cane is cut into small pieces with a large cutter making it easier to squeeze the cane juice. The sliced cane pass through a series of 5 large roller mills, squeezing more and more juice out each time. This dirty juice is then boiled at high temperatures, crystallized through a spinning process using a large centrifuge and then left out to dry as a brown sugar. The sugar is stored in massive warehouses waiting distribution and refining.


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