Tuesday 3 January 2017


Nilgai is the largest antelope in Asia, with males weighing between 240 pounds to 635 pounds (two times or even three times the size of a white tail deer). 

They were apparently brought to the United States from India as zoo animals before the mid-1920s and were released in South Texas about 1930. 
Nilgai Prefer Areas with Low Bushes
The feral population in Texas is nearly 37,000 as of 2008. They are common in agricultural lands as they are, herbivores, primarily grazers. 
Hoof Prints
Bulls do not maintain a fixed territory but defend the space around themselves.  Fighting occurs between dominant bulls which sometimes results in serious injury or death. 

Defecation Pile
Nilgai make dung piles by repeatedly defecating on the same sites. The significance of this habit, social and territorial, is unknown.

Imaginary Nilgai
While out with the dog one evening, I thought I saw a nilgai watching us. Upon further inspection in daylight, it turned out to be a rotted palm tree about 35 yards from us. 

Wild populations also exist in Alabama, Florida and Mississippi where they have escaped from private exotic ranches. Believe me I will be watching.

Almost Albino Nilgai

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