Monday 21 December 2015

Fort Lauderdale Beach

Palm Tree with Coconuts
Lost Again!

We spent part of the day at the Fort Lauderdale beach walking the beach, picking up shells and holding onto our hats.  The two flags at the beach patrol indicated high surf/rip tides along with dangerous marine life. I had forgotten what a workout your calves get walking in the sand.

A nice lunch along the beachfront with tasty sangrias was followed by a stop at Bob Roth's Fruit Grove.  We enjoyed a wonderful key lime pie tart and purchased white navel oranges and orange blossom honey for later.

To work off all those calories we biked around the Markham County Park and Range.  While Markham was not built for our 40' motor homes, it did accommodate us.   

82 degrees, sunny, high humidity and windy today.  South Florida is expecting unseasonably warm weather through the holidays.
Windy Day on the Beach

Portuguese Man O' War

Orange Country

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