Sunday 17 March 2013

Sweet Home Alabama - 2013 - 4

We stopped in for lunch in Gulf Shores at DeSoto's Seafood Kitchen and family restaurant.  Decor and ceiling tiles reminded me of 1960s.  On the menu?  Shrimp, sweet potato casserole and okra.

Japanese Plum on bush on our site
The movie "Argo" was playing at the Clubhouse.  This current release is based on the true story of a covert rescue mission during the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis. 

We hosted a dessert get together and served Key lime pie.  Did you know that Columbus is credited for bringing the Key lime to Florida? This lime, different from a regular lime, flourished in the Florida Keys, hence the name Key lime.  However, a 1926 hurricane wiped out the lime groves except in the Keys.    The Key lime is smaller and seedier with high acidity -- more aromatic and intense.  Hmmm...tropical paradise in a Key lime martini?

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