Tuesday 9 August 2011


July 31, 2011

Today was a travel day from Valdez to Tok.  We did a bit of backtracking today as this is the second time we are in Tok.  There were beautiful mountain views this morning at 8 a.m. as we departed from Valdez.  We travelled through the Keystone Canyon and up and over Thompson Pass, known for record snowfalls.  We saw those snow poles along the highway to mark the road edge for snow plows.  Once again the road was bumpy from frost heavs and expansion joints.  It was to be another roller coaster ride today. 

Back on the Alaska Highway I chuckeled when I read that the Board of Public Roads used to be referred to as the Bureau of Parallel Ruts.   Our coach had glacial silt caked on by the time we arrived in TOK (where we had the original carwash extravaganza).  The dust was so thick you could take a gloved hand and scrape off the dirt.

A quick stop at Willow Lake and then another at the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve Visitor Center.  We saw a movie about this the Wrangell=St. Elais Park and listened to a Ranger who spoke positively about wolves and their role in the environment. 

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